La Marina Festival

La Marina Festival
There are still two more contracts that the Council have to confirm before finalising all events. This should be available by Friday and this will be posted up here when it is submitted to us.
In the meantime basic information can be seen at.

La Marina

Hi, Let me inform everyone that the contracts for the Fiesta were approved. The cheapest bid was accepted and hopefully the Fiesta will go well. Until the publicity is approved from the printers, we are unable to say much more, other than the Fiesta will commence on Friday in the area of the Consum Car Park. Time will be around 7pm. Saturday times are around 8pm and Sunday from around 2pm. All that can be said at the moment is that there will be many varied types of entertainment to suit all ages and nationalities. The actual publicity for the Fiesta is expected to be on the streets by Monday.
The company employed has never been involved with the La Marina Fiesta in the past. It is a company that has quite a pedigree for putting on events which have included many concerts etc for very well known artistes.
For Angelique and other critics, We have known for quite a long time what the program for the Fiesta was to be, but for legal reasons, they cannot be advertised until ratified. We have accepted their bid, but until they sign their part of the contract, any advertising could be deemed illegal.

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-07-29 09:00:25 UTC

Please tell us we will not have the Electronic company that was employed two years ago,that turned it from a fiesta to a fiasco.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-29 09:26:49 UTC

At the risk of sounding somewhat critical how is it possible that the man elected to look after activities in La Marina, Jeff W, can come into this forum exactly one week before the fiesta commences appearing from his comments above to know next to nothing about the arrangements and or events, entertainment etc.
We gather from other forum posts that one of Jeff's army was as late as yesterday visiting charitable organisations to determine who will and will not be taking part!
Is it me or does this event have the makings and sounds of another fiesta fiasco?
Are we not entitled to better organisation and information at this stage?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-29 09:55:39 UTC

I would like to add that I for one am very much looking forward to the La Marina Festival. I'm sure everybody concerned will do their utmost to make it a very successful event ! I do not understand why Angelique always has to look on the black side of everything and usually has to criticise various people. My saying is *if you cannot say something nice - just be quiet* - perhaps Angelique could think that way sometimes !

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2011-07-29 11:20:44 UTC

I consider my fingers to have been rapped with your ruler!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-30 06:34:25 UTC

Thanks Jeff, You have answered my question on the Electronics company.
Two years ago when we had this fiasco,Mark lewis stood up on the stage and apologised for the programme being so badly behind amongst other things and stated that the company involved would never work on any fiesta on la marina again,his speech brought about possibly the loudest cheer of the night.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-30 12:37:34 UTC